Get Started with Product Boost: Choose Your Platform

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Select the corresponding option to begin your integration with Product Boost.

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Trusted by Industry Leaders

Empowering businesses globally with optimized funnels. Trust like they do.

Discover the Power of Intelligent Product Promotion with our Three Unique Solutions

Tailored to fit your business needs, Iron Funnel's Product Boost comes in three dynamic flavors

Product Booster

Take a product, find the right audience, and deliver a personalized message to boost sales effectively

Amplified Boost

Extend your reach by promoting your selected product to individuals who have expressed interest in similar items

Best Product Recommendation

Empower your users' site navigation experience by intelligently promoting the product that best suits their interests

Smarter Product Promotion with Product Boost: Personalization at its Best

Product Boost is Iron Funnel's tool designed to optimize your product promotion.

Move away from mass spamming and embrace personalized messaging based on genuine interests.

We analyze your product's features and connect them with the right prospects.

Reach your audience effectively through channels like email, WhatsApp, Mobile Notifications, SMS, Telegram, Slack, and even personalized web experiences.

about us

Try Product Boost Now

You can start by experiencing the power of Product Boost with our free version, which doesn't require any integrations. Simply provide the product URL and let Product Boost do the magic, creating the perfect promotional message working alongside ChatGPT.

If you're ready to take it to the next level, integrate your shop with our Product Interest Score tool. It empowers Iron Funnel to understand your users' interests, enabling Product Boost to find the right people to deliver the generated message to.

Which option would you like to start with?

Unlock Hidden Opportunities with Product Interest Score

Product Interest Score (PIS) is a dynamic tool within the Iron Funnel platform, engineered to unveil hidden opportunities in your product catalog. Leveraging our advanced tracking technology, PIS gauges and compares the level of interest users display towards each product or service, identifying items that may not currently lead in sales but spark high interest.

This insight empowers you to formulate targeted offers and campaigns, converting interest into actual sales.


Flexible Pricing for Your Unique Needs

At Iron Funnel, we believe in the power of choice and flexibility.
Our pricing is straightforward, with no hidden contracts or obligations.

You are free to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at any time.
We're committed to providing a solution that fits your business, and that means offering pricing that adjusts to your situation.

pricing img
  • 10.000 monthly events
  • 10.000 messages
  • Tech Support in office hours
  • Perfect for small websites
Purchase now
pricing img
  • 200.000 monthly events
  • 100.000 messages
  • Tech Support 24hs
  • Perfect for large websites
Purchase now

If you need custom services or Need more? Contact us

Absolutely. Iron Funnel has been designed with a user-friendly interface, aimed at empowering users of all technical levels. Our platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, with in-built guidance to help non-technical users along the way.

No. Iron Funnel is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow without causing disruption. We aim to enhance your current processes, not hinder them. The initial setup may require a slight learning curve, but our support team is ready to assist you to ensure a smooth transition.

No. At Iron Funnel, we believe in transparency. All costs associated with our services are clearly stated upfront during the subscription process. There are no hidden fees or unforeseen costs.

Yes, Iron Funnel is designed to integrate with your existing marketing and sales tools seamlessly. This ensures a cohesive workflow where all your tools work in harmony, creating an efficient funnel optimization process.

We take data security very seriously at Iron Funnel. We use advanced security measures and adhere to the highest industry standards supported by Amazon AWS to ensure that your data is fully protected and secure.

Change can sometimes be met with resistance, but the user-friendly nature of Iron Funnel, coupled with its evident benefits, often helps to mitigate this. We also offer comprehensive onboarding support to ensure that your team feels comfortable and confident using our platform.

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Stay Informed with Iron Funnel News

Keep up-to-date with our latest developments, feature releases, and insights. Explore how we continue to innovate in the world of funnel optimization.

Product Boost blog

Revolutionize Your Email Strategy with Our GPT-based Chat Integration

Dive into the future of email marketing and discover how Iron Funnel's new GPT-based chat integration can turn your customer interactions into personalized email campaigns. Read more to unleash the power of AI in your communications.

Product Interest blog

Discover Hidden Gems with Product Interest Score Tool

Are you curious about your products that have high interest but low sales? Our 'Product Interest Score' tool could reveal unexpected opportunities in your catalogue. Learn more about how you can turn interest into conversion.

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Boost Your Marketing Strategy with Traffic Source Scoring Tool

Understanding where your traffic comes from is pivotal to optimize your marketing strategy. With 'Traffic Source Scoring', we give you insights to make data-driven decisions. Click to know more about making the most out of your traffic sources.

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Let's Get in Touch

Have questions, or simply want to learn more about optimizing your funnel with Iron Funnel? We're eager to assist you.

Fill out the form and let's start a conversation that could redefine your business journey.

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